What is the BV section?




The BIPOC VOICES (BV) Collection intends to highlight materials created by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) authors and stories that center on the lived experiences of BIPOC individuals across the USA. We strive to show intersectionality within the BIPOC community, highlighting persons with varying levels of ability, different socioeconomic status, and those who identity as LGBTQIA+. These books help foster and push forward communal conversations around history, systems of oppression, and the fight for liberation for BIPOC communities in the United States. 

These collections contain classic and contemporary materials across various genres in an attempt to help people change their understanding of what a Fantasy or Mystery book, character, or author looks like. We also intend to highlight books that center on topics such as Joy, Healing, Comedy/Laugher, Learning/Growth, Fantasy, Mysteries, Romance, and more.

To find items in this collection please look for the orange “BV” tape on items in the Adult, Teen, and Children's sections of the library.

  • Last Updated Sep 25, 2022
  • Views 53
  • Answered By Menlo Park Library

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